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Here is where we post every new product being released. We also send out a detailed newsletter every week and post product updates to our social media accounts (follow us @theraplantllc).

We think we’ve got our bases covered, but if by some chance you’re reading this thinking, “it would be really cool if you could tell me this info every week by sending a carrier pigeon directly to my workplace with a personalized note”…well we can’t do that…but if you think of anything else we can do, you can always email us at


Green Diesel D CR 4282
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Blue Dream CR 4186
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
G. Rose CR 24478
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Pagoti CR 23574
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
CC Kush T80.68 CR 23155
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Bubba Buddha T86.47 CR 22571
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Macbrid T84.8 CR 19485
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Zonbrid T82.3 CR 19502
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Jenva T79.8 CR 19513
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Novabrid T79.2 CR 19557
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Jenva T79.8 CR 19513
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Buddhabrid T81.7 CR 19503
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Zonbrid T82.3 CR 19502
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Pintsica T81.6 CR 19487
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Jenva T83.4 CR 19486
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Macbrid T84.8 CR 19485
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Aniva T84 CR 19441
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Zonbrid T83.3 CR 19439
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Heladica T85.1 CR 19438
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Macbrid T85 CR 19437
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Templiva T83.1 CR 18414
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Avengiva T81.9 CR 18397
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Avengiva T83 CR 18376
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Haracept T85 CR 18339
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Jenva T84.97 CR 18336
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Churliva 1:1 T55.6 CR 18326
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Haracept T84.1 CR 18325
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Hauntrica T82 CR 18255
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Baniva T80.3 CR 18230
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Ratindica T69.9 CR 18293
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Churliva T79.8 CR 18292
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Truthica T83.9 CR 18257
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Avengiva T82.2 CR 18256
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Hauntrica T82 CR 18255
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Whizbrid T79.1 CR 18231
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Heladica T77.2 CR 16614
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Pagoti T81 CR 16613
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Hauntrica T77.7 CR 16568
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Zonbrid T88 CR 16554
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Daybrid T86 CR 16549
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Jediva T91 CR 16520
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Ratindica T84 CR 16504
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Pagoti T93 CR 16501
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Zonbrid T92 CR 14982
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Knobrid T91 CR 14959
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Haracept T90 CR 16479
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Hauntrica T91 CR 16477
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Taytenate T92 CR 16469
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Pagoti T91 CR 16453
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Zonbrid T92 CR 14976
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Whizbrid T91 CR 16446
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Jehanose T92 CR 16447
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Ratindica T89 CR 14996
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Templiva T91 CR 14977
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Taytenate T91 CR 14974
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Knobrid T90 CR 14950
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Texibrid T91 CR 14951
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Avengiva T90 CR 14943
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Thailiva T90 CR 14911
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Rootica T90 CR 14896
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Hauntrica T91 CR 14861
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Rosica T91 CR 14860
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Pagoti T90 CR 14847
Please Contact your Dispensary for Availability
Thailiva T91 CR 14836
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Zonbrid T93 CR 13695
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Rexibrid T94 CR 13659
Please contact your Dispensary for Availability
Hauntrica T92 CR 13557
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Macbrid T92 CR 13616
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Macbrid T92 CR 13615
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Novabrid T91 CR 13555
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Rosica T93 CR 13594
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Novabrid T91 CR 13556
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Pagoti T92 CR 13549
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Pagoti T92 CR 13548
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Apolliva T87 CR 13523
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Wintrica T91 CR 13526
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Apolliva T87 CR 13524
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Aniva T90 CR 13505
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Egbrid T90 CR 12987
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Aniva T89 CR 12969
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Aniva T89 CR 12968
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Soulbrid T90 CR 12955
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Soulbrid T90 CR 12956
Please contact your dispensary for availabilty
Mooniva T87 CR 12941
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Wintrica T94 CR 12943
Please contact your dispensary for availability
Egbrid T92 CR 12910
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Mooniva T94 CR 12504
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Haracept T96 CR 12503
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Egbrid T93 CR 12475
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Rootica T89 CR 12457
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Haracept T91 CR 12434 (0.5g) & 12435 (1.0g)
Please contact your dispensary for availability.
Mooniva T90 CR 12424
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Jenva T89 CR 11573
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Savoti T90 CR 11956
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Taytenate T87 CR 11511
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Pagoti T90 CR 11552
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Sherbrid T90 CR 11919 (0.5g) + 11920 (1g)
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability
Hauntrica T89 CR 11946
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability