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Here is where we post every new product being released. We also send out a detailed newsletter every week and post product updates to our social media accounts (follow us @theraplantllc).
We think we’ve got our bases covered, but if by some chance you’re reading this thinking, “it would be really cool if you could tell me this info every week by sending a carrier pigeon directly to my workplace with a personalized note”…well we can’t do that…but if you think of anything else we can do, you can always email us at info@theraplant.com.
Oil Syringes

360X T793C41 40000102
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X T833C1 18412
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

Inzane Pure T909 22599
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

Special Sour D Pure T844 21948
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X T831C3 21195
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X T833C1 18412
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X T721C18 18252
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

BiscayPure T869C5 16450
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

RatindicaPure T839C7 16431
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

HaraceptPure T869C3 14999
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

JazricaPure T841C4 14946
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

EgbridPure T853C3 14919
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X T798C2 14901
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

ZkittibridPure T876C5 16462
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

AnivaPure T867C2 14931
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

JedivaPure T830C4 14965
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SoulbridPure T857C3 14949
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SundicaPure T862C3 14892
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SavotiPure T826C5 14811
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

GwynivaPure T853C5 14870
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

HauntricaPure T830C2 13687
Please Contact your Dispensary for Availability

ThailivaPure T776 13602
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X T732C1 14838
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

WhizbridPure T862C7 14815
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

PiesivaPure T833C3 13673
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

AnivaPure T830C1 13664
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

RooticaPure T782 13605
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

AvengivaPure T830C1 13629
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

NovabridPure T805C4 13641
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

LoolicaPure T811C5 13635
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

ThailivaPure T800C1 13599
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X C364T304 13630
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

WintricaPure T833 13542
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SoulbridPure T791C12 13584
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

KnobridPure T812C1 13534
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

IndotiPure Δ9:T563 Δ8:T194 13511
Please contact your dispensary for availability

EgbridPure T761C5 13519
Please contact your dispensary for availability

AnivaPure T813 13002
Please contact your dispensary for availability

LoolicaPure T821C4 12999
Please contact your dispensary for availability

360X C405T382 12985
Please contact your dispensary for availability

SoulbridPure T806 12993
Please contact your dispensary for availability

360X T650C3 12937
Please contact your dispensary for availability

TaytenatePure T771 12964
Please contact your dispensary for availability

HauntricaPure T780 12961
Please contact your dispensary for availability

MoonivaPure T816C8 12946
Please contact your dispensary for availabilty

MoonivaPure T350C3 12945
Please contact your dispensary for availability

BrandicaPure T802C1 12940
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SongricaPure T817C2 12921
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SoulbridPure Δ9:Δ8 T865 12916
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

NanicaPure T816 12911
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

PiesivaPure T765C10 12500
Please contact your dispensary for availability

LoolicaPure T826C5 12907
Please contact your dispensary for availability

EgbridPure T811C2 12485
Please contact your dispensary for availability

AvengivaPure T794C12 12482
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

PagotiPure T664C9 12465
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

ApollivaPure Δ9:Δ8 T829 12470
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SoulbridPure T755 12456
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SundicaPure T764C6 12452
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

DogbridPure T781 12446
Please contact your dispensary for availability.

HaraceptPure T752 11964
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

EgbridPure T743C3 11999
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SavotiPure T774 11992
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

AnivaPure T795 11923
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

JenvaPure T783 11578
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

SherbridPure T790 11939
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

GhanicaPure T753 11955
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

HauntricaPure T781 11934
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

RatindicaPure T776C4 11561
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

YoticaPure T785 11926
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X C389T465 11574
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X C607T160 9398
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability

360X T763C19 12000
Please Contact Your Dispensary for Availability